Workday is Live

Workday Transition Video from President Mantella

Workday Update from President Mantella

March Highlights

man with question

Workday GVSU Need to Know

Workday Strategic Sourcing will go live on April 22 and Workday Advanced Compensation will go live on May 1. Strategic Sourcing will streamline procurement processes. Advanced Compensation supports the merit increase process. Find more information below and on the Workday Key Dates page.

Leadership Corner

Join our Workday for Managers Zoom meeting on March 27 to learn about merit planning. Anyone with a faculty or administrative professional (AP) staff direct report will be considered a Planner in Workday. To ensure accuracy for merit planning, please review your supervisory organization/organizational chart in Workday.

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More Info

Transitioning to Workday has been a massive undertaking for the Workday project team, as well as for many others across campus. A big thank you goes out to faculty and staff members for adjusting to the new system, with special appreciation to those collaborating with the Finance and HR teams. Learn more about our Change AgentsSuper Users, and the Workday Change Management effort.

Project Update

There are currently no known issues. Please submit a support request directly to Finance, HR, or IT if you are experiencing a system issue. An optimization list of future Workday improvements/enhancements will be shared following the project stabilization period. Workday has already improved accountability, internal controls, and visibility into university operations.

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Upcoming Activities

New courses & office hours are being offered by the Finance and P2P teams. Register for Finance Reports & Requests - Part 2 to learn more about financial reports, how labor is charged, requesting new worktags, and budget amendments. Register for a Workday Strategic Sourcing course if your work includes RFPs, bids, or supplier contracts.

Helpful Resources

Check out the Workday @ GVSU Website for more information.
Contact us with any questions!

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Please see the Workday Project Overview page for information on all things Workday. 

Page last modified March 27, 2024