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任何紧急情况都要拨打911(即使你不确定这个人是否需要救护车).  虽然有非紧急电话号码给我们的各种第一反应伙伴机构, calling 911 directly provides a number of benefits:

  • 大楼地址和房间号码会自动从办公室的任何校园固定电话提供, suites and rooms.
  • GVSU采用了一种附加技术,即地理围栏手机呼叫,即使从手机呼叫中也可以为渥太华县调度员提供建筑物的位置和地址.
  • 肯特县和渥太华县的911系统都使用EMD,即紧急医疗调度.  这是一个电子系统,它允许调度员询问一系列博天堂官方网页受害者情况的问题. 这将引导911操作员找到最可能导致该人员状况的原因,并输出911操作员可以给您的医疗指示.  You do not have to know anything about first aid, 只要拨打911,接线员就会告诉你什么该做,什么不该做, such as sitting the person up versus laying them down.
  • 打给加州警局非紧急号码的紧急电话会转接到911.  这是浪费时间,也不会向911接线员提供您的位置.  转接的911报警电话似乎是从位于阿伦代尔校区服务大楼的加州警局打来的.


It is not necessary to dial a 9 first.  You may dial 911 or 9-911, they will both work the same.

  1. Location Verification. It is very important that 救援人员正赶往正确的地点,大楼和房间.  The 911接线员会告诉你你是谁,你在哪里.  They MUST verify where you are.  Click for a list of campus addresses
  2. If you reach a recording, listen to what it says. 如果录音提示无法完成,请挂断电话后再试 again. If the recording says all call-takers are busy, wait! Dispatchers are often very busy.  A dispatcher will speak to you when available.
  3. Wait for the dispatcher to ask questions.  Answer all questions clearly and calmly. If you are in danger of assault, the dispatcher will still need you to answer.  You may need to answer quietly.  If so, the dispatcher will ask mostly "yes" and "no" questions.
  4. Let the dispatcher guide the conversation. The dispatcher needs to type information into a computer.  This may seem to take a long time. The dispatcher is typing information to 紧急救援人员已经被派去了 waiting on the line.
  5. Follow all directions. In some cases, the dispatcher will give you directions. Listen carefully and follow each step exactly.  Ask for clarification if you don't understand.
  6. Keep your eyes open. You may be asked to describe 受害者,嫌疑人,车辆,或现场的其他事件.

Do not hang up the call.  Wait until you are directed to do so by the dispatcher.

Do not hang up. Stay on the line and tell the dispatcher that everything is alright. If you don't, the dispatcher will think that 出事了,派个警察去检查一下.

GVSU在校园里的许多地方都提供公用电话.  Please 有关公共电话的位置,请参阅下文 you teach, take class, socialize, study, etc.  The public phones can dial local calls and 911.  The phones at the entrances to various 建筑物可以拨打GVPD调度与红色按钮以及本地 calls and 911.

我们强烈建议大家查看手机覆盖区域 你教书、上课、社交、学习等的校园.
Various areas 已经被IT部门认定为接收不良 national cell providers. 

  • Location of the cell provider(s) tower to GVSU
  • Building materials that reduce signal strength

GVSU将继续努力提高信号强度 cell providers.
If your cell phone does not have adequate coverage, look for a public phone in the area.

Wi-Fi通话最近已经从许多手机中释放出来 providers.  It allows for cellular calls to be transferred onto a 本地Wi-Fi连接或通过Wi-Fi呼叫发起的呼叫.  此功能可能允许在区域内进行调用 where there is low or no cell signal.  Click here for more information on Wi-Fi calling.

注:GVSU不能保证手机信号将是 转移到Wi-Fi或Wi-Fi发起呼叫成功 your device.

我们强烈建议您测试您的手机的Wi-Fi通话和 to keep these things in mind as you test it:

  • 如果您正在打蜂窝电话,电话会从蜂窝电话切换到蜂窝电话 当手机信号覆盖范围下降或从Wi-Fi切换到蜂窝网络时 service when cell service picks up.
  • Not all cell phone models allow Wi-Fi calling.  Please check with your cell provider.
  • 从蜂窝网络到Wi-Fi的传输时间可能有延迟,反之亦然 of up to 20-25 seconds.
  • 请参阅手机供应商的说明来设置Wi-Fi通话 on your device. 

Verizon                           AT&T                                T-Mobile                                 Sprint

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol)业务不同于 传统的固定电话或移动电话服务 放置时可能无法自动检测到物理位置 911 phone call.

与固定电话和手机不同,VoIP允许你打电话 使用互联网连接从世界任何地方打电话. If you 是移动的,如果您的VoIP桌面电话搬迁没有 GVSU电信部门的授权,紧急情况 收到911呼叫的应答者可能无法自动收到正确的信息 information on where you are geographically located.

VoIP equipment with e911 limitations includes: wireless phones; soft 移动时的客户端(计算机生成电话)和桌面电话 without authorization. Desk phone applications cover most GVSU VoIP users. VoIP桌面电话可以很容易地移动到其他主用VoIP电话 没有电讯署协助的港口. For 为了您的安全,我们要求您在此时提交电话工作单 website when phone relocations are necessary http://4h.tb35018.net/it/telco/?action=home.workorder. 电话工单流程触发对所有系统的更新 including e911.

以下是911紧急服务限制的例子 using VoIP technology:

  • 未经Grand授权擅自移动VoIP桌面电话 山谷州立大学电信部门将进行传输 紧急电话号码和/或位置信息不正确 responders. 提交桌面电话搬迁的电信工作单.
  • 当您移动时,使用VoIP服务拨打911电话可能不会 联系911中心,他们会派急救人员到 assist a 911 caller.
  • 当您是移动VoIP时,911业务可以正常接通 PSAP,但不会自动传输您的电话号码和/或 location information.
  • 当您是移动VoIP时,911业务可能会连接到PSAP业务 a county other than the one you are located in.
  • VoIP 911服务可能在停电时无法正常工作 您用来拨打电话的互联网连接出现故障或过载.

If you have questions call Information Technology.

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Page last modified February 5, 2019