

Welcome to the 传播科学与障碍系 at 大峡谷州立大学.  We are happy to share the professions of speech-语言 pathology and audiology with you! Speech-语言 pathology and audiology are professions that merge art and science in order to serve individuals throughout the lifespan who experience deficits in 听力, 其他通信, 和吞咽. These are rewarding careers that provide the opportunity to make a direct impact on the quality of life of others.

在大峡谷州立大学, we take an innovative approach to our education of future speech-语言 pathologists and audiologists. Our undergraduate major goes beyond providing the foundational coursework for matriculation into graduate programs by also providing learners the opportunity to learn about the disorders of the future patients/clients/students they will serve. Graduates of our undergraduate major in 沟通 sciences and disorders often are able to see clients with a greater variety of disorders earlier in their graduate studies than graduates of other programs due the preparation they receive at Grand Valley.

我们的研究生课程以加快的速度交付, 为毕业生提供更早开始职业生涯的机会, 而且可能会减少金融债务. Our speech-语言 pathology students attend clinical placements in both pediatric and adult settings from their first semester, 由我们自己的大峡谷教师指导. Our audiology students begin their clinical experiences in our state-of-the-art audiology clinic, 由我们自己的大峡谷教师指导, and transition into offsite clinical rotations as they matriculate through the program. Our faculty members are clinicians at heart, and they infuse clinical application into all courses. 跨专业合作实践是我们项目的标志, providing our learners opportunities to interact with students in a wide variety of disciplines. We commit to promoting inclusion and equity as we strive to engage in a lifelong development of cultural humility.

我们体现了 通识教育基金 他是大峡谷州立大学的教授, ensuring that our learners leave Grand Valley with not only the knowledge and 技能 to be excellent speech-语言 pathologists or audiologists, 而是具备批判性思考和协作的能力, 对复杂问题的创造性解决方案. 我们承诺的使命,愿景和价值观建立了大峡谷 2025年实现更高目标 战略计划.

All that we do to educate our learners is done with our ultimate consumer—the future patients/clients/students of our learners—in mind. Our goal is to ensure that our graduates are providing services of the highest quality in order to promote optimal 听力, 沟通, 为我们的社区而吞噬.

I invite you to take a look at our faculty and staff profiles to see the diverse experience our faculty and staff bring to Grand Valley and to our professions.



Courtney Karasinski博士,CCC-SLP




Our education of undergraduate students in 沟通 sciences and disorders began in 2010 with Ms. 琼Silbar, 一位来自大急流城社区的语言病理学家和企业主, 博士和. 贝丝·麦考利,联合健康科学系的. A Master of Science in speech-语言 pathology was awarded candidacy accreditation from the Council of 认证 of Academic Programs in 2013, 并录取了那学期的第一堂课. 第一届MS班于2014年12月毕业. In 2018, the emphasis in speech-语言 pathology became a Bachelor of Science in 传播科学与疾病 and the MS earned full accreditation status. 听力学博士(AuD)项目于2020年秋季获得候选资格认证, 并在那一年招收了第一批学生. 第一批澳大学生于2023年春季毕业. We are proud of all that our graduates have accomplished as they deliver the highest-quality speech, 语言, 听力, 平衡, 并放弃对社区的服务.

获取有关COVID-19预防措施的最新信息, 限制, 和要求,请访问湖人队的网页  http://4h.tb35018.net/lakerstogether/.

For more information regarding a specific program within the CSD Department, please contact:


4月13日星期六 ——世界语音日虚拟会议

更多信息可在此找到: / cms4 /资产/ 61214851 - 0 - aib - 00 - f2 - e0737dd45987beda / gvsu_agenda_2024_world_voice_day.jpg


Monday, April 15th -- Jordan Christian Levan, Fighting For My Voice: The Movement Tour

来听听乔丹·克里斯蒂安·莱文, 残疾倡导者和作家, 分享他的自我发现和赋权之旅.  作为一个天生有语言失用症的人, Jordan will inspire attendees to embrace their own uniqueness and "reclaim their voices in a world that often seeks to silence them."  Jordan will provide a sneak peek on his upcoming biography discussing his struggles and triumphs shaping his journey.  

这个项目是由学生事务处赞助的 & 公平研究所,以及传播科学与障碍系. 

更多信息和回复可以在这里找到: http://tinyurl.com/44yjpnrw







Congratulations to SLP student Autumn Cannon on earning second place in the 3-Minute Thesis (3MT) competition and a people's choice award. 有关GVSU 3MT的更多信息,请参阅此链接: http://4h.tb35018.net/gs/3-minute-thesis-competition-82.htm


The faculty of the speech-语言 pathology graduate program and the staff of Spectrum Health and Muskegon Community College collaborated to provide a two-day training for graduate students.  The focus of this event was to provide GVSU students with an introduction and overview of working in a medical setting.  The goals included: discussion of the multiple roles that speech-语言 pathologists have in medical settings; discussion of the knowledge, 技能, 和21号所需的配置st Century working in a medical settings; experiences with interprofessional collaboration in medical settings; and a venue for students to experience labs related to work in a medical setting.


The training is intended to prepare graduate students for academic coursework and clinical placements during the graduate program.



学术和创新卓越中心 受助人及项目:

  • 催化剂资助:博士. 科尔顿·克莱顿 “助听器成功的预测因素”, 预计2025年11月结束


  • 催化剂资助:博士. 赢了—— "Neural correlates to the binaural cues in multiple latencies in objective measurements in normal listeners and individuals with a 听力 related deficit”, 预计2025年11月结束


  • 催化剂资助:博士. 贝丝·麦考利—— "Development of an App using AI and Large- Language Models to Help People with Expressive Aphasia Communicate Independently", 预计2025年11月结束


  • 催化剂资助:博士. Sri Nandamudi “混合模拟对吞咽困难临床教学的影响”,预计将于2024年2月得出结论


  • 合作资助:博士. 威尔·兰基宁—— "The Lower 密歇根der Talk Study - Stage II: Rural speech communities in Mason and Huron", 预计2024年3月结束


皮尤教学中心 受助人及项目

  • 教学创新基金:博士. Sri Nandamudi和Dr. 考特尼·卡拉辛斯基—— 亨廷顿舞蹈病(HD)的临床教学预计2024年7月结束



